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Liquid henter stanislaw ind i varmen

Siden stanislaws overraskende exit fra OpTic har han været rygtet til flere gange Liquid, men nu er det endelig officielt, og han bliver dermed holdkammerat med Pimp.

Siden stanislaws overraskende farvel til OpTic for et par dage siden, har der været mange rygter omkring hans nye hjem. Det er nu endelig blevet offentliggjort, at det er Liquid-trøjen, han skal bære fremadrettet.

Tilbage i slutningen af september vendte den canadiske ingame leader tilbage til holdet efter en kort tur på bænken, og det resulterede i stor succes. OpTic vandt ELEAGUE S2 og blev nummer to ved ECS S2 Finals.

Det er sådanne resultater, som Liquid gerne vil opnå, og derfor øjnede de muligheden for at få stanislaw ind på holdet, da de i forvejen manglede en ingame leader.

Liquid har lavet et interview med deres nye spiller, hvor han blandt andet fortæller, at Liquids struktur passer bedre til ham, mens han også åbner op for nogle af de problemer, der var i OpTic. Et uddrag kan læses herunder:

This will be very difficult to put into words, but I will try my best, because I owe the OpTic family (they were more than fans to me) an explanation. I was on OpTic for roughly 1 year, like I said. We had to endure so much to get to where we were as a team and nobody will truly ever understand the behind the scenes things that caused a lot of hardship. OpTic had never ventured into CS before, as it was predominantly a COD/entertainment organization, so they had a lot of difficulty adapting to the needs of a CS team which is ten-fold different than a COD team. That is not to say it's negative or plain wrong, because I one hundred percent respect the way Hector runs his organization, after all, it's one of the biggest esports organizations in the world. 

However, comparing with Liquid, it's night and day. I have a lot of personal things going on in my life right now and things are very difficult, so when contacted by Liquid I felt truly humbled by their desire for me and the structure of the organization really appealed to me. Liquid has the resources and tools to allow the CS team to focus solely on the game itself, and I believe that is what it will take to become a consistent world contender. Aside from difficulties with the OpTic organization itself, I also had some concerns with the underlying problems we've had for the entire duration of the team, such as practice regime and attitudes. I know that all teams have their issues but it's very difficult to accept that some issues cannot be improved on, no matter how hard you try. I know that some people will say that I gave up or I had no loyalty, but I hope that isn't their true opinion. I gave everything I had to that team, even after they cut me without telling me. I came back without any hesitation and worked harder than I ever did to achieve the success that we had. 

When Liquid contacted me, it really caught me off guard and I told Will (RUSH) that I was thinking about moving over, and he told me he didn't want me to leave. It was a hard couple of days, but in the end I feel that I did what is best for my situation. It was a bit of everything, that pushed me to leave and it was the hardest decision I ever had to make. 

Det er dog ikke offentliggjort, hvem han skal erstatte på holdet, og derfor tæller Liquid følgende spillere lige nu:

  • Canada stanislaw
  • Danmark Pimp
  • USA Hiko
  • USA EliGe
  • USA jdm64
  • USA nitr0
  • Brasilien zews (coach)
#1(Med 4 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 09:20
Harry P. tilbage til DK?
#4(Med 3 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 09:23
Der er alligevel blevet talt meget om at det er Hiko de erstatter
#5(Med 2 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 09:25
Husker ikke jeg spurgte :)
#6(Med 1 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 09:34
Det alligevel et flot spørgsmålstegn du fik tilføjet der ;)
#7(Med 0 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 09:39
Tak bro
#2(Med 4 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 09:21
Kage fra Dust2s 1års fødselsdag
Pimp ryger! Sprogbarriere måske?
#3(Med 0 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 09:23
#8(Med 0 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 09:56
Tror jeg sku ikke
#13(Med 0 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 13:17
det Hiko, nitr0 skrev det på hans twitter inden han slettede det igen
#14(Med 0 svar)
4. februar 2017 kl. 02:28
De tænker ikke på sproget de tænker mere på game playet
#9(Med 0 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 10:02
Hiko to Optic? :^) Kappa
#10(Med 0 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 10:03
Slettet bruger
Kage fra Dust2s 1års fødselsdag
6 man lineup, ny meta?
#11(Med 0 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 10:50
Danskerne vender hjem!
#12(Med 0 svar)
3. februar 2017 kl. 11:31
RIP Nitro
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