Valve fikser "Michael Jackson-peek"
Endnu en opdatering blev rullet ud natten til fredag, og her blev en række fejl i spillet fikset.
Heriblandt var det peek, som i daglig omtale er blevet dømt 'Michael Jackson-peeket', og som Valve selv kalder 'Smooth Criminal bug' med reference til Michael Jacksons sang af samme navn.
Fejlen i spillet fik spillermodellen til at forvrænges på en sådan måde, så det mindede om, når Michael Jackson lænede sig frem. Valve anerkendte da også fejlen selv, da de efter buggens opdagelse ændrede deres banner på X (tidligere Twitter).
Derudover er der også kommet forskellige små ændringer til Inferno, Mirage, Overpass, Nuke og Vertigo.
Samtidig er skyggerne også blevet forbedret lidt, så det er nemmere at se spillere, mens en lang række mindre detaljer også er fikset.
Hele opdateringen kan ses herunder:
When a server disagrees about a player's loadout, such as when a match starts during a patch, the buy menu will now reflect the server-authoritative loadout
Fixed a case where players could clip through ceilings
Made adjustments to character shaders to improve player visibility
Fixed the "Smooth Criminal" foot pinning bug
Adjusted team select and team intro knife animations to work with Shadow Daggers
Various bug fixes and tweaks to Inferno, Mirage, Nuke, Overpass, and Vertigo
Added "Player Color" option to "HUD Color" setting that will make the HUD match your or your spectator target's player color in competitive modes
Changed "Use Player Colors on Team ID" default to "Yes"
Added "Large Player Count" setting to replace player avatars with team player count in the mini-scoreboard during the active portion of rounds
Fixed a bug where graffiti changes mid-match were delayed
Various bug fixes and tweaks to weapon finishes and stickers
New Screenshot button - captures a screenshot of the game window and saves a .png file to disk. Using "Inspect" with the gray or green backgrounds saves the .png with the UI elements hidden and a transparent background
Added Inferno and Ancient preview maps (workshop_preview_inferno and workshop_preview_ancient)
Workshop Item Editor - Integrated help system contains detailed guides when you see (More Help: Shift+F1) in the tool tip. These detailed guides contain important information about PBR color ranges, wear/durability masking alpha values, and much more